Summary: Nepal is the land of diversity, which is also reflected in the seasons found here. There are six seasons in Nepal in contrast to the four seasons found around the globe. Each season has its distinct meaning and its significance.
The time duration of the seasons in Nepal is two months with additional rainy and Pre-winter seasons.
The English term “Season” can be translated to ‘Ritu” in Nepal.
Season Meaning in Nepali: Basanta Ritu is marked by salubrious weather. Grishma Ritu is marked by a spike in the temperature, Barsha Ritu is marked by intense precipitation, Sharad Ritu is festival season, Hemanta Ritu is pre-monsoon season marked by slightly cold weather, and Shishir Ritu is marked by the coldest season.
The six-season in Nepali is referred to as the Basanta Ritu (Spring), Grishma Ritu (Summer), Barsha Ritu (Rainy), Sharad Ritu (Autumn), Hemanta Ritu (Pre-winter), and Shishir Ritu (Winter).
Season in Nepali with Months
Six seasons of Nepal within months are given below.
Windy Season [Basanta Ritu] Mid-March to Mid-May: The Nepali month Chitra and Baishak fall under this season. In the English calendar, it falls under mid-March to Mid-May. This is the windy season in Nepal. It falls under the spring season in the four seasons of the Western world.
Summer Season [Grishma Ritu] Mid-May to Mid-July: This season falls in the Jestha and Ashad in the Nepali calendar. In the English calendar, it falls from mid-May to mid-July. This is the hottest season and is called the summer season in the western four seasons.
Fall or Rainy Season [Barsha Ritu] Mid-July to Mid-September: This season starts from the Shrawan to the Bhadra of the Nepali calendar. In the English calendar, it falls from mid-July to mid-September. This is the rainy season marked by extreme precipitation.
Autumn Season [Sharad Ritu] Mid-September to Mid-November: The Nepali month Ashwin and Katrik fall in Sharad Ritu. In the English calendar, it falls in the month of mid-September to mid-November. It is called the Autumn season in Nepal.
Pre-Winter Season [Hemanta Ritu] Mid-November to Mid-January: The Nepali month Mangsir and Poush fall under this season. It falls from mid-November to mid-January. This is the pre-winter season.
Winter Season [Shishir Ritu] Mid-January to Mid-April: Magh and Fagun months of the Nepali calendar fall under this season. In the English calendar, this lies between mid-January to mid-April. This is the coldest season in Nepal and is the winter season.
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